This post was originally published 12.02.2017.
I had been to Copenhagen recently and had my camera with me for a frosty evening walk taking some HDR images. Enjoy!
The title picture and the picture below (full size) shows the Niew Haven (New Haven), a few footsteps away from here you will find a couple of other nicely illuminated buildings reflecting in the sea water.
One of them is the Royal Danish Playhouse, a theatre designed by the Danish architectural practice Lundgaard & Tranberg. It is built in a long, slim, deep-brown brick that was specially developed for the project. The exterior is dominated by a continuous glass-encased top story with offices and back-stage facilities for the actors. Above the glass band is the dark copper-clad cube of the scene tower.
The two pictures shown below were made at the new bridge called Inderhavensbroen, crossing is only for bicyclists and pedestrians. Copenhagen citizens seem to like going by bike in the windy, humid, cold winter weather. Viking blood maybe.
The new Inderhavensbroen.
Pedestrians passing the bridge.